Who we are and what we do

Who we work with
St. Edmunds Resettlement Project is a supported accommodation housing resettlement service whose aims are to support our residents to feel safe and settled within the community, gain access to support for their support needs, and to be able to gain the skills and resilience to be able to move on independently to their own accommodation.
Each of the sixteen flats within the St Edmunds project are self-contained and fully furnished. They have a double sized bedroom, bathroom, living room and open plan kitchen/dining area with central heating and are double glazed.
There are laundry facilities on the premises at number 110 along with a communal meeting room lounge, study room with PC/broadband connection, combined dining kitchen, pool room and other leisure facilities available.
All residents have an allocated keyworker with whom they will meet with to put in place a resettlement, support, and changes plan, and then will meet on a weekly basis to discuss their support needs together, set goals, and agree action points as part of the support we offer.
We also offer support and advice on a ad-hoc basis, clients do not need to wait until their next support session, project staff will always offer support and advice to our service users if available,
At St. Edmunds Resettlement Project we have alternate service users meetings and groupwork / workshop sessions every week as part of the support programme we deliverer.
We also have an emergency out of hours on-call service in the evenings and weekends when staff are not onsite.
St. Edmund’s Charity supports our residents to access support and engage with other external agencies such as Recovery Republic, Thinking Ahead, High Level, Mind, and Living Well to promote emotional wellbeing, physical health, life-style behaviour changes, and enhance independence.